Berli Jucker
  • - Package design development

Expresses a pleasantly dancing fragrance and maximizes attractiveness

The PARROT brand is a long-selling soap brand in Thailand. The brand is particularly well known for its bar soap, and Bravis has designed all the packaging for the PARROT brand, including the “Perfume soap” bar soap.

The most distinctive feature of PARROT products is their natural floral fragrance. The bar soap is used in closets as a substitute for air fresheners, and some restaurants have even broken it up into small pieces and placed it as a fragrance, and it continues to attract Thai people with its great fragrance.

To convey the appealing fragrance of the PARROT brand and renew the brand’s image in a modern way, the packaging design of “PARROT Botanical shower cream,” the most standard product in the shower cream series, has been redesigned.

The new design depicts flowers blooming and dancing, with a soft and pleasant fragrance wafting through the air. In the center of the package, the iconic scent lasts for 8 hours, maximizing the appeal of the product.

In addition, the design of “PARROT Serum Vitamin,” which targets a younger generation, has been redesigned to convey the product features while creating a sense of the PARROT brand family. The image of shining drops of serum falling from fruits and flowers is used to strongly emphasize the product features of the vitamin serum. In addition, the value of freshness sought in shower creams is expressed with a splash. The background is a touch of watercolor brush, giving the design a lively and refreshing feel, and elevating it to a design appropriate for the target audience.

For both products, the PARROT brand logo at the top and the product features from the center to the bottom were used in a format that creates a design system that allows more people to recognize that these are PARROT brand products.