Global Inner

Workshop to create synergies in two corporate DNAs.

Fujitsu and Toshiba. Toshiba Personal Storage Company was created by merging the storage businesses of each company. To integrate the different cultures and make the company a single entity, we developed a corporate concept and corporate tone and manner through a workshop.

Toshiba Personal Storage Company invented the world’s first technology, NAND flash memory, and changed the trend of the storage market. The merger of two companies with different backbones required the creation of a situation that would strengthen the company’s internal unity and enable it to move forward with its business. Braavis worked alongside Toshiba Personal Storage Company in its strong growth by conducting a workshop to clarify the corporate concept and corporate tone and manner.

A cross-functional group of members gathered and held multiple workshops to formulate a vision, mission, and values. While reflecting on the company’s history, we took stock of keywords that have been and will continue to be important to us and clarified our corporate concept. At the same time, we also conducted a questionnaire survey of overseas branches that were unable to participate in the workshops, asking them about what makes their company unique. By making the workshop a company-wide event with limited participation, we were able to foster a sense of ownership.

Once the corporate concept was established, a corporate tone and manner was created based on this idea. By establishing rules for developing visual expressions such as package design, we were able to promote a consistent worldview. Toshiba Personal Storage Company has developed a unique tone and manner that no other company can match, by setting rules that focus on the emotional value created by high functionality, rather than simply promoting functional value. The result is a set of rules that are both differentiated and unique.

In many cases, discussions at these workshops are stalled because the corporate concept and corporate tone and manner are abstract concepts, but Braavis provided a variety of stimulants to stimulate the discussion. In the end, a brand book was completed, which contained the company’s thoughts and feelings as a corporation. After the project was completed, the contents of this brand book served as a guideline for global product and package development, accelerating corporate branding.

    Application Design
    Brand Book
    Brand Management Manual
    Brand Portfolio Reorganization
    Brand Strategy
    Corporate Identity
    Corporate Philosophy
    Corporate Slogan
    Design System
    Tone & Manners