ANA Catering Service
  • - Package Design

Airline’s unique sense of fun


ANA Catering Service (ANAC) is a company that handles in-flight catering and other services in the ANA Holdings Group. Bravis was born out of the desire to “bring the richness and depth of the food of each country and region, which we know because we are a member of the ANA Group that flies around the world, to your home as well. This is the reason why we have developed the ANAC food brand “ANA FINDELISH” as a total brand.

The newest addition to the ANA FINDELISH brand is “Aogumi,” which changes its taste when two gummies of different flavors are combined. Bravis was in charge of the package design for this product, which is a cross between the corporate color blue and gummy bears.

The main design features an illustration of an airplane and clouds drawn from the shape of actual gummies, instantly conveying that the product contains two types of gummies in the shape of an airplane and clouds, and that it is a snack from an airline company. The watercolor touch throughout the design creates a soft world that matches the airline’s catchphrase, “Fluffy takeoff! the airline’s catchphrase “Fluffy Takeoff!

The product became such a hit that it sold out immediately after its release, and was enjoyed by a wide range of people, from adults to children.